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Monday, April 7, 2014

Oh Korea: Couple Outfits

Happy Monday Y'all! 

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Matt and I had a great trip to Busan and Jinhae, and I can't wait to share the pictures from the weekend. But for now I want to share a part of Korean culture that I absolutely love. 

Couple Outfits. 
Here in Korea being a couple is really important. Almost every holiday or festival is somewhat geared towards couples. And when you are part of a couple- you want everyone to know it. Thus, the couple outfit. 

While we were in Jinhae for the Cherry Blossom Festival, there were couple outfits galore. While Matt was busy snapping pictures of the cherry blossoms, I was busy trying to find as many couples as I could. Here are some of the outfits I was able to take a picture of. 

How awesome are these couples? I love the couples that are literally matching from head to toe. Same shirt, pants, jacket, and shoes- that's true love right there. 

Parents also tend to dress their children the same as well, but Americans do that too, so it's not as cool as this couple...

I had a blast being a creeper and taking pictures of all the couples. I was so impressed with some of the clothing pieces some guys were willing to wear. {White pants, pink shirt, yellow hoodie with blue dinosaur…} 

This is one of my favorite things about Korea. I can't wait to get some couple outfits for Matt and I. 

So what do you think- Couple outfits: Yes or No. 


  1. I had no idea about the couples matching! I love it. A few times, my husband and I have accidentally matched but we couldn't ever get away with this. I'll have to make sure to pack a few matching outfits whenever we go to Korea.

    1. Haha- Brianne- we've done this as well. I actually want to get a couple outfits just to try it out, but I don't think I would bring them back to the states.

  2. I think you should go with the dinosaur hoodies!!

  3. Well that makes a lot more sense now.....I've always wondered why a lot of the tourists here always match--it's kind of cute but I don't think hubs and I could ever pull it off!!

    1. Hahaha- it is a pretty unique thing to Asia I think. Some of the outfits are cute, but some are way over the top!

  4. WOW I also LOVE THESE!!! I just found you through We Took The Road Less Travelled....new follower here!

    Angie from reasons to dress, life as an expat mom in Italy.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you found us! I can't wait to make to check out your blog!

  5. Too funny!! So cute to see, but my hubby and I just aren't the type to do stuff like this.

    1. Yeah- it's cute to see, but it's not for everyone! I don't think I would go around back in the states in a matching outfit!

  6. Hahaha, I had no idea this was a thing but I love it! Good snapping - far more interesting than some cherry blossoms! ;)

    1. Thanks Polly- I felt a little like a creeper, but luckily it was pretty easy to pretend to be taking pictures of the trees! Thanks for your comment!

  7. Okay, I would probably never do this, but I am not IN a couple - so I shouldn't judge haha ;)

    1. Hahaha- I totally get it. I think I would do it here in Korea, but not back home!

  8. Hysterical! My husband and I noticed some matching couples at a 5k last weekend. We are going to do it in a few weeks. He wanted custom t shirts, but I thought that we should start with just like matching colors.

    1. Hahaha- starting small is a good place. I love seeing all the matching outfits here. The couples go all out.

  9. I love the couple outfits. My fave!

  10. I would do it because I think it would be hilarious!

    1. That's what my husband and I think as well! Although- we can't agree on an outfit to start with.

  11. Maybe for the hilariousness of it at a party but no. Then again I'm single soo. But pretty sure I still wouldn't do it! I love all your creeper shots though!

  12. This is amazing! I think I'd draw the line at coordinating outfits for a wedding; this is slightly insane!

  13. Ha - this is the BEST. Oh my gosh, I would absolutely be on board to do couple outfits with Dan but I know that we would not have it. "Hey sweetie, today's we're wearing jeans and a navy argyle shirt, okay? Remember it's Wednesday, that's Sperry day!"


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex