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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Think Pink

October is Breast Cancer awareness month... it is also AIDS awareness and many other awareness month, but in my family breast cancer is a little more real to us.

(Please don't mind my ashy feet.... GA is a drier than I am used to) 

My great grandmother, Laura Conner, died of breast cancer, and my Abuela, Kitty Stewart, was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2009. She went through chemo and has been cancer free for a while now.

This year Abuela and my Aunt Sara decided they wanted to walk in the Susan G. Komen 3 day 60 mile walk to raise money for breast cancer research.

To me this seems like a crazy idea... in order to be able to walk 60 miles... (hint: to be allowed to register) you have to raise $2500 each! You are literally paying to be in pain. Hahaha okay to them it did not seem like this, but to me I could not imagine a worse fate!

Anyway, Abuela and Sara raised the money to take part in this walk and support the cause. I am very proud of them and the fact they lasted 60 miles.

(Sara ran off before I could take a picture with her)  

The walk happened to be the weekend I flew in to surprise my family so I was able to surprise them on their walk. It was great to see Abuela and Sara working so hard for something they care deeply about.

So guys for the rest of October Think Pink! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sewing With.... Name Omitted Part I

As some of you know I not only teach Hawaiian and Pacific history, but I also teach one class of Family Consumer Science... or for those of you that graduated before the 1990s. Home Ec.

And as ALL of you know this is a big joke. For two quarters out of the year I have to teach sewing. When I found out this was the elective I had to teach I just started laughing and thinking hmmm well I guess my mother-in-law will get her wish... I will finally have to pick up a needle and figure it out. (Hahaha- for clarification I was joking about the mother-in-law comment although if anyone really understands how hopeless I am in the sewing department it is my mother-in-law!)

In all honesty, Janice (the M.I.L) has helped tons. She sent me a huge package with patterns and lots of sewing stuff (not really sure what all of it is called).... and we had a Skype date where she talked me through a few things. (By the bye, Janice sent me this package late August and I didn't even touch it until late September.... about a two days before I was to start my sewing quarter.... can you say denial! I   put 'learning to sew' off as long as physically possible.)

Anyway, finally it was September 26th and quarter 2 had arrived... it was time to sew... and I was semi-prepared. I was not too worried because the only thing we were doing for the first two weeks was practicing stitches and learning how to sew a button.

Now, you might think 2 weeks is too long to do something this simple, but TRUST ME IT IS NOT! Each class is 45 minutes long and only 4 days a week. And by the time everyone gets in it's closer to 35  minutes. And with 7th graders... time seems to just disappear...

Okay, so it's been about 3 1/2 weeks since the sewing has begun and let me tell you- it is one of the funniest things/ frustrating things I have ever been involved in. When I got home the first day I started telling Matt all the funny things that happened in class and by the end of it we were both in hysterics.... so I decided to start blogging about the funny sewing mishaps that happen in F.C.S.

So here is the new segment Sewing With... Name Omitted. (Just to explain- Name Omitted is a way to clarify that because of privacy laws and the protection of my students- I cannot/ will not use any real names for my students.)

So no REAL NAMES  will be used in this blogging segment!

I will try to give you a weekly update of the funny things that happen. I hope you will enjoy these events as much as I do....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Halloween

Matt and I getting in the Halloween spirit. I think our turned out pretty dang good. We got the skeleton and the caution tape at Wal-Mart for $6!