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Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Letters #41

Happy Friday Y'all! 

Woo-hoo another week down. 

Here's my week in letter format. 

Dear Maleficent, You actually were a pretty good movie. I enjoyed taking a break on Saturday and getting some date time in with my husband. It's always great when there's a movie out that I want to see here- and if it's in English- hurray some more! 

Dear Father's Day, Thanks for giving me a wonderful excuse to Skype with my family back home. It was nice to chat with everyone for a while. Oh- how I can't wait for next May to be here! 

Dear GRE, I know I was supposed to be studying this weekend, but I really didn't want to. I know the test is sneaking up on me, but I am just so tired of studying. I am going to put a few more weekends into and then it will all be over. Hopefully I can just get my goal score. But I know I need to be putting the last month of effort into my studies. 

Dear Work, Thanks for being relatively easy this week. I love when the middle school students are preparing for their tests- it makes teaching so easy. Dear Middle School Student, This week you learned what happens when you tell me 'no'. Haha- I'm glad I still have the ability to scare the crap out of my students. I'm sure you have learned your lesson. In the future- just remember- I'm the boss. When I tell you to change seats- you flipping change seats. 

Dear Grocery Store, Thanks for carrying both avocados and seedless grapes this week! Delicious. I thought I would have to go without grapes for another year. Seedless grapes are pretty much unheard of here. And grapes with seeds are not worth the effort. I'm so happy it's summer and there's all this fresh fruit around to buy. Although- not so happy about the hot weather that's about to hit. 

Dear My Wonderful Grandparents, Thanks for all the birthday cards. I got all my cards this week. I'm so happy to have  Nana&Papa and Grandma&Grandpa (x2) and Abuela&Papa and Obachan in my life. I love getting my cards and all the nice notes. Thanks y'all! 

Dear Weekend, I'm happy you're here. I look forward to finishing season 5 of The Vampire Diaries and finishing reading Eleanor & Park (one of the best books I've read in a while). And of course studying away. 

Have a great weekend y'all!

Love, Alex 

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- Alex