The first exciting thing really was Christmas of course. It was so great to be home with the family and it was even better because my Aunt Nickie and her family were here as well. Oh Christmas Eve our little family went bowling and then hung out with Abuela and Papa.
Me and Joe at the bowling alley

Christmas Morning was spent with our little family opening gifts and then the rest of the day was spent with the cousins and Abuela and Papa and their house. It was great to be with everyone and have such a great holiday. Although being together was great Joe and I were really excited about getting Beatles rockband and Band Hero! So we spent a large portion of the day singing and rocking out!

Jessie and I singing Abba singstar
The day after Christmas we got together again and went out for Mexican. All the cousins enjoy being together so it was good to be together. Matt was also able to come out with us so that was good- since it's always great to be with him!

After Christmas Joe and I got to go to California to see our dad for a week. The highlights of that were spending time with our dad... although he did make us run almost everyday and ending our trip with us running a 5K! Although I did make it so it's all good! We also got to go Cross Country Skiing, and Carting! Here are a few pictures to show the fun we had that week!

Joe trying out his bike before his big ride (mind you he only lasted five minutes before he hit a curb and bent the fork on the bike! hehe this was so funny because before our trip he kept going on and on about how after he started riding we just call him Lance Armstrong!)
Sasha and I on the beach on the CA coast!
Playing in the Snow!
Joe, Dad, and I getting ready to go Cross country skiing!
Joe and I looking a little afraid of getting in a cart!
Joe and Dad trying to get one working!
Me in the riding suit!

After our 5K we went to Stanford and looked around- while there I practiced my statue posing skills- I think I am getting quite good!

After our 5K we went to Stanford and looked around- while there I practiced my statue posing skills- I think I am getting quite good!
1) Babushka! Oh how I've missed you.
ReplyDelete2) I'm happy to see that you have big sunglasses again.
Getting big sunglasses was the first thing I did!