With June comes the half way mark to the new year. We are now in mid-2012. Schools are on summer break, fall is just around the corner, and there are some exciting events happening from now until the end of the year. Now, of course I am excited about my 24th (yikes) birthday this Thursday... and Matt's 25th birthday in July... and July 4th and all the good stuff in between, but there are a few things that I am really really excited about. Allow me to share my top events I am excited for in the remainder of the 2012:
1. June 15th- Disney's Brave comes to a theater near you! Now, by this point you should now my obsession to all things UK, so this should be a no brainer. But this movie looks really good, and looks like one of the few Disney movies that won't make me want to kill my self or burn my bra.
2. Matt and I have a five week summer vacation. I have finished my student teaching and am now currently looking for a job, so in my spare time I get to spend my time enjoying the beautiful island of Oahu. (I know how horrible.) Matt is also on a mini break from school and does not start back until mid-July. (Everyone, please keep me in your thoughts as I really need a teaching job!)
3. July 27th- The opening ceremonies of the London Olympics begin. Leading to two fun filled weeks of awesomeness. Now, this olympics is doubly important because a. I LOVE THE OLYMPICS and b. I LOVE LONDON!!!!!! I have suggested to Matt that we buy a super huge t.v. to watch the Olympics on and then return it :) which would be dishonest, but COOL!
4. August 3rd- The reuniting of A and J starts! My good, great, best friend, LOVER Jenny is coming for a visit to the island. I am beyond excited for her visit. And if the pictures below show any indication, we are going to have a blast!
5. October- Possible trip home to Georgia. Now I say possible because I have not worked out all the details, but I am hoping to make this happen. Whether I am teaching or subbing we should be able to swing this trip home. This will be a solo trip on my part because Matt will be in school, but the DOE here will be on Fall break, so why not visit my family? Plus, it is my cousin Jessie's 18th birthday and I really want to be there for that!
6. November 2nd- Election Day! Now, I am not going to get into politics here. All am going to say is register and VOTE! You can not complain when you don't vote!

8. Thanksgiving Weekend- Matt and I go to Maui to celebrate Thanksgiving and our anniversary. Last year after graduation Matt, my mom, and I went to the Big Island (Hawaii), but we have never been to Maui. Since last Thanksgiving was a little bit traumatic for me (rice instead of potatoes, sushi, etc.) we thought it would be good to go explore a different island. And it is perfect since we will both be on break then.
9. December 2nd- Matt and I go to Wicked. Broadway shows or concerts hardly ever make it over to Hawaii, so when they do we jump on the chance to go. Granted I have seen Wicked three times before, but I love the show enough to go again. Matt was nice enough to let us buy the tickets and even is going to come with me!
10. December 16th- Matt and I head back to spend Christmas with the family. This trip is a definite. We will either be moving back for good at this time, or just staying for a couple of weeks. I am beyond excited to be able to spend a Christmas with our two families. Matt and I are lucky enough that both our families live within 15 minutes of each other and they like each other too, so it is possible to spend the holidays as one big happy family! For Matt this will his first time seeing home in TWO years!!! Since this picture was taken, there have been a few more editions to our family (a couple that I have yet to meet!)
11. Christmas Day- Les Miserables comes out to a theater near you. I was lucky enough to see this in London and since then have never been the same. I love it! I have seen the trailer and am beyond excited to see it on the big screen. And best yet, I can see it with my sister Chantal. (If only J Money was able to be with me.)
12. December- Matt and I visit Harry Potter World at Universal Studios! Ever since it has opened I have wanted to go for a visit. Since we will be home and Orlando is pretty close we thought we would make a mini-cation out of it! Plus, it really works out because the parks won't be hot and as crowed as they are in the summer!
What events are you looking forward to?
We went and saw The Avengers the other night, and the trailer for Brave played. I told Jake (I practically screamed it I was so excited) we are seeing that. He was a doll and just said "ok."
ReplyDeleteI am SUPER jealous that you a) got to see Les Mis in London--we saw Wicked in London (mostly because I have been waiting forever to see it, and it WOULD come to Hawaii after we've already left), and because it's awesome. We were going to see Les Mis (we should have just bought the tickets!!) our last night there, but they were sold out! I was so bummed. I tried not to be too bummed though because Jake felt really bad, and I didn't want to make him feel worse.
and B) You're going to Harry Potter World (Universe?)! I so want to go. It's literally on my bucket list--going there and then visiting the set (for a brilliant 65 pounds a person...not so brilliant) in the UK. Again, something we almost did but ran out of time and money.
Anyway, I hope everything turns out wonderfully! :)