Friday, March 15, 2013

My Monthly RACK (random act of kindness)

If you don't remember, I am dedicating the 14th of every month to RACKs (random act of kindness). 

This month, I challenged my students to join me in my RACKs. And I was so surprised to see so many students showing up with their little random acts. 

Some wrote sweet notes to their friends, gave candy, wrote a note and gave it to a teacher, stuck some money in an envelope... the random acts go on and on! 

I am so proud of my students. I hope to continue this through the rest of the school year. 

And what did I do this month? 

I grabbed some Jamba Juice gift cards, wrote this little note, and stuck it in the mailboxes of some of my co-workers. Just something a little small, but I am two for two so far. And I am loving it!

I encourage you to try completing some RACKs. You will feel awesome! 

If you want an idea, check out this treat plate tutorial from 30Handmade days (the blog that inspired me to keep going with my RACKs). 

{image via

I think this would be great to make and pass along to my neighbors. To add to this idea, you could write your name on the back of the plate, and every time it is passed a name is added- kinda like a timeline for the plate! 


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- Alex