Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Letters #17

And just like that another week has passed us by! Happy December 20th- only 5 more days till Christmas. 

Dear Family and Friends, Thanks so much for sending out our Christmas presents. So far, we have gotten a couple of expected packages and it feels so good. We've gotten so many e-mails this last week letting us know our gifts are on their way, and it means the world to us you guys are helping us celebrate Christmas even with all the miles between us. There is literally nothing better than getting packages from our family and friends. 

{This package was from my in-laws. If you look closely you will the English crackers they made us, and the Costco size medicine they put in there. Thanks so much Mom and Dad Ho.} 

Dear Krispy Kreme, Well I must admit- I'm happy to see you. It was such a great surprise when we went up to Seoul and found you. We even had the bonus of getting there during there 'hot' hours- meaning we got the traditional glazed doughnuts right out of the oven. Yum Yum. 

Dear Coworker Holiday Dinner, Last Friday, I was invited to eat dinner with my you guys and the teachers that are at the Math Hagwon across the hall. It was a last minute invitation because the lead teacher forgot to tell me about it the day before. {Uhh thanks?} Anyway, I really didn't want to go to this dinner because situations like these really stress me out, especially if I have to go by myself. My plan was to sneak out when my last class was done, but alas, I got caught!

 So, I was stuck going to dinner with all my coworkers that essentially ignore me throughout the week. Needless to say, I freaked a bit, but I did it. Luckily, we went to a BBQ place where I know I would like the food. So worry one was done. Then I saw the co-worker I have the best relationship with show up and she sat right across from me. Worry two was done. Ashley, the coworker that actually talks to me, was hired around the time I started, and she is a part time employee, so I don't think she is that close to the others as well. 

The dinner turned out to be really good. I didn't embarrass myself using chopsticks. Worry three was done. I ate my fill of my dinner, and didn't break any social rules in the process. I had a good time. Even though I was stressed before the meal, but the end I was all good. I am happy I got caught into going. 

Dear Lotte World, Last Saturday, we visited your wonderful establishment and had a lot of fun. The Happy Christmas Parade was worth the cost of admission. I can't wait to share the pictures that we have from our day of exploring this indoor theme park. 

Happy Friday! 

Love, Alex 


  1. So glad the dinner went well! Those relationships will grow organically, don't worry, you're wonderful. (:

    the worldling blog

    1. Thanks Sara- your comment and your support mean the world and just made my day!


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex