Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gratitude 101: Part 11 &12

I know I missed last week, so I thought I would double up on Gratitude 101 today. As always, I am linking up with Erika over at Chimerikal.

 Part 11 

Prompt- What's the biggest gesture you've ever done to say Thank You to someone

I love thank you gifts. I love letting people know I appreciate what they have done for me. Whether that's picking up a small thank you candy bar, or a larger gesture, it's so important to say thank you. While I don't know what my biggest gesture I've ever done, I do have a couple of my favorite that I want to share.

After Matt and I were married, we wanted a way to say thank you to our parents for all their help with the wedding. We didn't have a lot of money at the time, but that didn't stop us. We decided to offer babysitting for my parents. For a long weekend, we took care of my younger siblings while my parents went on a weekend getaway. We had such a great time with Jud and Olivia for those few days. I love spending time with them, and this was a perfect solution. While I would have loved being able to actually treat my parents to a nice vacation, that was not possible at the time. But we could help with babysitting. I'm glad we got this time with my siblings before we left for Hawaii, and I'm grateful there was a way we could say thanks.

My second favorite gesture was a photo book I put together for my Abuela. For her birthday a couple of years ago, I wanted to give her a present that showed how much I loved her and appreciated her. I had a bunch of old photos from her childhood, and a ton of photos of the family throughout the years, so I put them in a shutterfly book. I then had everyone in the family share a favored memory or a reason they loved her to be put in the book. I was so happy with the way the book turned out, and I think it was such a perfect way to say thanks.

Part 12

Prompt: Write three notes of thanks to people you know and reflect on how that action felt.

It is no secret that I love thank you notes. I love getting them. I love writing them. There is nothing better than thank you notes, except for maybe thank you notes and chocolate. :) This week I wrote three thank you postcards to a few different people back home. Like always, I felt great when I was writing them. I'm so happy that even though I am far away from my family I can still say thanks. I can't wait for my loved ones to get their postcard in the mail.

I encourage all of you to grab something to write with and send out some of your thank yous this week.

Happy Wednesday!

{If you've missed any of the last Gratitude 101s just click here

GRAD-ITUDE 101: A Linkup By Chimerikal

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- Alex