Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gratitude 101: Part 3 {A Link-Up}

It's time for another link-up with the always wonderful Erika and her Gratitude:101 link up

I have been linking up with Erika for the past couple of weeks. If you have missed any of the posts, click here to catch up. 

Last week, I mentioned Acts of Service, and the importance they can play in staying positive and showing gratitude. Today, I wanted to talk more about service and what we can do to help others. 

I firmly believe that by focusing on others we can gain so much in our own lives. Thinking of others first is what life is all about. This does not mean everyday you have to commit these huge acts of service- small acts are just as important as big ones. 


Gratitude is all about finding things to be thankful for. When we are thinking and doing things for others this becomes a lot easier. In fact, I argue that it becomes natural. 

So what are some examples of Acts of Service? 

Here are a few of my favorite: 
1. Offer free babysitting to a friend or family member 
2. Opening the door for someone 
3. Bake a treat for a neighbor/ coworker/ friend/ etc. 
4. Pay for someone's meal at the drive through 
5. Offer to holiday shop for your mom or dad (my mom always loves if I offer to help out) 
6. Mow someones lawn
7. Buy school supplies for a child {usually the school has a list of supplies needed} 
8. Let someone in when driving 
9. Park clean up
10. Buy a meal for someone in need 
11. Donate to box tops or a can drive 
12. Giving up your seat on the bus/ subway
13. Donate old clothes/ household/ books items
14.  Letting someone with less stuff than you at the store go first at the checkout 
15. Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home 

I encourage all of you to try at least one act of service this week. 

Earlier this year, I came across a blog called Thirty Handmade Days, and on the 14th of every month Mique completes a Random Act of Kindness {RACK}. I decided to try to take the challenge. Lately, I have been forgetting to do my monthly RACK, but I want to recommit myself to this challenge. I am sure if I do- I will find myself with more things to be grateful for. 


What do you think- is there a relationship between service and gratitude? 

What are some of your favorite acts of service? 

In closing, here are this week's Gratitude Moments: 

Our new bed! {This sounds stupid, but we have been sleeping on a bed that was a little bigger than a twin. It was way too small and way too uncomfortable.} Now we have a queen and we love it! 
Getting to talk to my cousin this week via Skype. She just started her first semester of college, and I am so proud of her! It was so exciting to see her dorm room and chat with her a while. 
Getting to talk to my little sister via Skype. {I know Skype again, but for real I don't know what I would do without it.} 
My director- I am so lucky to have such a nice boss. I had heard horror stories about directors here in Korea, but both Matt and I have great directors. 

{Seriously, how cute is my little sister?} 

Thanks Erika for the link up! 


  1. I think this is a fantastic list, Alex! Thanks again for participating with this every week!

    As for the link between gratitude and service, I think it's huge! Because when we do something for someone else and they express their gratitude, it's such an amazing feeling! To feel needed, to feel important, to feel seen, to feel significant. And likewise, when someone else does that for us, it's the same thing. Service is a catalyst for gratitude, which in turn helps create more fulfillment, or happiness!


    1. Thanks Erika! I enjoy linking up every week. There are so many ways we can help others and in return let others help us. Sometimes I feel like it's easy to help out, but then we don't want to accept help- and sometimes we need it!


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex