Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A&J Take Manhattan: A Many Pictures Post

While I was on the East Coast, I decided to take a short trip to New York to see my good friend Jenny. {If you're new to this blog, or haven't been paying attention, Jenny and I met during our study abroad in London, and have been friends ever since.} 

I flew in Wednesday morning and flew out Friday afternoon. It was a quick trip, but we did tons of stuff. I am so happy I decided to fly up and see Jenny before leaving for Korea. 

Here is what we did: 

We took a walk in Central Park 

{Cleopatra's Needle- the other one is in London} 

We went to the Met- mainly to get out of the heat. 

{"The Engagement Ball" This used to be an apartment window}

{I don't remember what this is called, but it reminded me of Jud.} 

{Beautiful English Tea Set. Matt this is what I want for my birthday.} 

{Monet "Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies"}

{Monet "Water Lilies"} 

{Monet "The Houses of Parliament"} 

{Pissarro "Effect of Sunlight"}

{Japanese Tourists} 

{Van Gogh "Wheat Field with Cyprus"} 

{Van Gogh "Cypresses"} 

Wednesday night we had a picnic and watched Argo at the Chelsea Piers. {PS. The sandwich I had was the best I've had in a long time.} 

Ate New York style pizza 

Went to Serendipity and got the Frozzen Hot Chocolate 

Took the Subway 

Went to Times Square {Thanks Jenny for making the trip} 

Stopped at Herald Square 

Of course we hit up a few cupcake shops and ended the trip cuddling in bed watching Death at a Funeral. {The British version} 

Thanks Jenny for the wonderful trip. I had a great time and can't wait to see you in Korea... you are coming right? 


  1. So many things struck me with this post:

    1. I kept waiting for the Japanese tourists when I was scrolling through all the art. So glad you captured that.

    2. Don't underestimate the deliciousness of a sketchy bodega sandwich.

    3. We really struggled looking at the right place at the camera when taking selfies, but I think we crushed it with the one in Times Square.


    5. Korea better get ready for me.

    Love you, A Money!


  2. Jenny- I'm glad you seem to have liked this post. I still dream about that sandwich and wish I could recreate it here! Let's start planning your trip ASAP!


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex