Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hardest Moments From the First Year: A Link Up

I am doing another link up with Wifessionals for the segment From One Year to Beyond. If you missed last week's link up post, click HERE

The topic this week is: Hardest Moments From the First Year. 

{Us at our 6th month mark.} 

I don't like to look at things through Rose colored glasses, but I think overall our first year of marriage was pretty great. 

That being said, I know there were some challenges and I know there were some major adjustments. 

Here are a few of our hardest moments. 

After being married for a little over a month, Matt and I packed our bags and moved over 4000 miles away to Hawaii. I had a little over a year left in my undergrad program and we decided it would be best to move back to Hawaii for me to finish school. 

Now what you need to know is Hawaii is freaking expensive. I had lived in Hawaii as a single person and it was expensive, but I never really noticed how bad it was until I got married. 

It was very hard to live in Hawaii as students because we were literally living paycheck to paycheck and using all the financial aid we could get. For the first 6 months, Matt and I had to live off campus and we were paying $990 for a bedroom... literally a bedroom. 

It was HARD.  And it was frustrating. There's a saying like if you don't have money you can't fight over money. But I think this is really wrong. If you don't have money and you don't know how rent is going to be paid... or how you can afford groceries... uh yeah things are going to be stressful. 

Now I don't want to stress you out, Matt and I were fine. But it was hard. Everyone was telling us how awesome it was we got to live in Hawaii, meanwhile, I am taking 20 credits and working and Matt is working 50+ hours a week. We didn't have time for the beach!

Another thing that was hard was realizing that Matt and I were now dependent on each other. I think both of us were pretty independent and having to learn how to  rely on each other was difficult. I also needed to learn how to go to Matt first before talking to my mother. For the first couple of months, I would call my mom for advice and then talk to Matt! That is NOT the way to do things in a marriage!

I don't want to go all Kelly Clarkson on you but for real 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Matt and I have lived far away from family for all of our married relationship, and this distance and the hardships of Hawaii have really made us extremely closer as a couple.

Make sure to go over to Wifessionals and check out the other stories! 


  1. Lovely post. :)

    Yup, getting the mom involved before the husband is not good.

    One piece of advice: in all the living, live.

    Sounds simple, but you may look back and think, we were so busy trying to get somewhere that we didn't enjoy where we were.

    Truly experience Korea. :)

  2. Thank you for that piece of advice!

  3. I am so glad and thankful that you linked up with us and shared your heart. This type of post floating around in blogsphere was my main goal and desire when creating the link-up for the other Brides out there! I hope other women feel just as inspired by marriage as I did when reading your post! I hope you will plan to link up with us next week for question #3!


  4. Kalyn, Thanks for your comment. I am glad my story got read and inspired a few other bloggers! I am definitely in for next week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex