Sunday, May 19, 2013

Working on Us: Part II

A couple of months ago, I wrote this post called Working on Us. It was all about how Matt and I are working together to keep us well, together! 

What we sometimes forget is that we are never safe. I don't want to sound crazy, but I believe it's when you think things are great you start to get a little lazy. And when you get lazy things start to slip. This is true with every part of your life, so we have to be vigilant. 

We have to remember, "Whatever the quality of your marriage now, it can always be better." (The Five Love Languages)

Our marriage is pretty great, but Matt and I have the potential to be in an AWESOME marriage. 

One thing that I feel is holding us back is my patience, or lack there of. I have the worst patience level ever and it's not just in my marriage, but with everything in my life, especially with teaching. 

I get really frustrated really fast when things aren't being done the way I want and when I want. This is equally frustrating when I have a husband who doesn't have the same level of urgency. 

I recently came across a blog (I can't remember which) and the writer chooses one word to focus on for the year. Just ONE word. She tries to improve in this one area and she keeps track of her progress throughout the year. 

I thought this was a great idea and a great way to work on our marriage and to even carry this out in other aspects of my life. 

So my word is of course: Patience. 

{image via

I want to work on not snapping at Matt when he is five minutes late picking me up, or when my students ask me the same question I just answered. 

So here it goes. 


1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex