Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Eli Update

Now I know Eli is just my nephew, but I still love giving you guys some updates. 

I love when my sister-in-law sends me pictures. In the past, she has been really bad about updating us about her life, but I gotta say she has gotten a lot better! (No offense Malier.) 

So here we go. 

Eli turned two months on March 9th. (I have no idea how much he weighs, etc. - Like I said, I am just the Auntie.) 

So cute. 

This weekend Matt and I got the following pictures and text. Eli was having a little conversation with us. 

{:D my auntie and uncle!}

{Oh how I miss them and haven't even met them! :( }

{Ooo but soon I shall see them!!}

Ok, I am very impressed. One, we got three pictures in one day! And two, Malia printed our picture and is showing it to Eli! YAY. Hopefully, when we see him next month he won't look at us like we are strangers! 

Keep the pictures coming Malia! 


Thanks for taking the time to comment- I appreciate and read each and every one of them. All replies will be in the comment section, please check back to read them!

- Alex