Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things # 1

I am lucky enough to have been blessed to be an older sister to two crazy boys and one sassy girl, and I have been blessed to have a full time job as a teacher of 11-13 year olds. 

And I say blessed, because with these kids in my life (both my siblings and my students) there is never a dull moment. 

Because I have learned: Kids Say the Darndest Things

So, I decided a new blog series should be born. 

Kids Say the Darndest Things is all about the things my students and little siblings have said or written about at some point. 

This series is all about my students and siblings cracking me up and making me glad they are in my life.  This idea started when I wanted to write down all the funny things Jud and Olivia have said over the years. These kids are seriously the funniest kids ever, and I didn't want to forget anything they said. 

So in thinking this, I came up with this series, but I also wanted to document my students and the great things that come out of their mouths or their pens as they are writing. 

I hope this series gives you as many laughs as it gave to me. 

Here is the first installment: 

This is a short answer response from one of my students. The prompt was to pick another district in Hawaii to move to. Then they had to describe what made them choose that district, using the physical and human characteristics of the district. Here is what Student A came up with- 

Yup, you read it right. She said "Gerafic Park"- which is really "Jurassic Park"
And hungary for hungry 
And you might see some "cerleberties" 

Now, the purpose of this was to make you laugh - not worry/ scare you about the state of our children's writing skills. Cause they are quite bad, but please just laugh with me. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

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- Alex