Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sewing With.... Name Omitted Part I

As some of you know I not only teach Hawaiian and Pacific history, but I also teach one class of Family Consumer Science... or for those of you that graduated before the 1990s. Home Ec.

And as ALL of you know this is a big joke. For two quarters out of the year I have to teach sewing. When I found out this was the elective I had to teach I just started laughing and thinking hmmm well I guess my mother-in-law will get her wish... I will finally have to pick up a needle and figure it out. (Hahaha- for clarification I was joking about the mother-in-law comment although if anyone really understands how hopeless I am in the sewing department it is my mother-in-law!)

In all honesty, Janice (the M.I.L) has helped tons. She sent me a huge package with patterns and lots of sewing stuff (not really sure what all of it is called).... and we had a Skype date where she talked me through a few things. (By the bye, Janice sent me this package late August and I didn't even touch it until late September.... about a two days before I was to start my sewing quarter.... can you say denial! I   put 'learning to sew' off as long as physically possible.)

Anyway, finally it was September 26th and quarter 2 had arrived... it was time to sew... and I was semi-prepared. I was not too worried because the only thing we were doing for the first two weeks was practicing stitches and learning how to sew a button.

Now, you might think 2 weeks is too long to do something this simple, but TRUST ME IT IS NOT! Each class is 45 minutes long and only 4 days a week. And by the time everyone gets in it's closer to 35  minutes. And with 7th graders... time seems to just disappear...

Okay, so it's been about 3 1/2 weeks since the sewing has begun and let me tell you- it is one of the funniest things/ frustrating things I have ever been involved in. When I got home the first day I started telling Matt all the funny things that happened in class and by the end of it we were both in hysterics.... so I decided to start blogging about the funny sewing mishaps that happen in F.C.S.

So here is the new segment Sewing With... Name Omitted. (Just to explain- Name Omitted is a way to clarify that because of privacy laws and the protection of my students- I cannot/ will not use any real names for my students.)

So no REAL NAMES  will be used in this blogging segment!

I will try to give you a weekly update of the funny things that happen. I hope you will enjoy these events as much as I do....

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- Alex